Congress info

Congress venue

The congress venue is located in the Main Building of the University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 33). You can access the building either from Fabianinkatu (33) or Unioninkatu (the Senate Square side).

Logic Colloquium 2015 is organized in the Porthania Building of the City Center Campus (Yliopistonkatu 3), 50 metres from the Main Building.

A map of the Congress Venue

Accessibility of the congress rooms: All congress rooms, besides the rooms 14 and 15, are accessible by wheel chair. Also the social program receptions, congress lunches and congress dinner are accessible by wheel chair. Wheel chair entrance is on Fabiankatu 33 (the new side entrance of the main building).

Instructions for speakers

The durations of talks at CLMPS 2015

- Contributed papers: 30 minutes (a 20-minute presentation + a 10-minute discussion)
- Invited lectures: 60 minutes (including discussion)
- Plenary lectures: 90 minutes (including discussion)

Symposium and affiliated meeting organizers can freely decide the duration and format of the talks in their sessions.

All conference rooms are equipped with PC’s and projectors to enable a slide show. Whiteboards and flip charts are also available. The congress rooms do not have slide changers so if you wish to use one, remember to bring your own.

The speakers are advised to upload their power point presentations during breaks onto the conference room computers if they wish to use power point

If speakers use their own computers, they are asked to check during the breaks that they can successfully connect the computer to the projector. USB sticks and VGA / HDMI adapters for mac can be rented at the registration desk or from the building managers (if available).

Please note that Prezi presentations can only by shown by using the internet browser of the conference room PCs.

The conference room PCs do not run Skype.

The conference assistants will visit all session rooms before the sessions start and the will help you with downloading your presentation before the session.

If you wish to use handouts, please print out your copies in advance before coming to Helsinki! There is also a print shop (Unigrafia, Vuorikatu 3) open Monday- Friday 8.30-16.00, 100 metres from the congress venue.

Information for chairs

The durations of talks at CLMPS 2015

- Contributed papers: 30 minutes (a 20-minute presentation + a 10-minute discussion)
- Invited lectures: 60 minutes (including discussion)
- Plenary lectures: 90 minutes (including discussion)

Symposium and affiliated meeting organizers can freely decide the duration and format of the talks in their sessions.

Rules for chairing contributed talk sessions:

1. All contributed papers are allotted 30 minutes in total  (20-minute presentation + 10-minute discussion). Please note that few sessions might have open slots, but even for these sessions, presentations should follow the 30-minute format (presentations based on contributed papers should not exceed the maximum time of 30 minutes under any circumstances).

2. The order of presentation within sessions should always follow the order published on This will allow people to move between papers during sessions and prevents them from missing the presentations they wish to hear.

3. In case of cancellations and no shows that happen on site, the chairs are advised to keep a 30-minute break in place of the cancelled presentation. It is of vital importance that chairs take these breaks so that people who change between sessions do not miss presentations that they wish to hear!

4. For the latest updates to the programme chairs should always check the latest version of CLMPS 2015 Sched in the beginning of the session and take all the breaks marked on Sched. The congress room PCs can be used for this and the conference assistants are happy to help with this. The Sched programme is here:

5. If you are chairing a session in which you are also a speaker, please ask one of the other speakers of the session to chair your presentation when it is your time to present.

6. The conference assistants will visit all session rooms before the sessions start and inform you if there are any cancellations in your session. The assistants will also bring water for the speakers and provide technical assistance. If you encounter any problems during the sessions, please contact the conference assistants, building managers (phone numbers +358 2941 23151 and 358 2941 22338) or registration desk (phone number +358440612273).

7. The speakers are advised to upload their presentations during breaks onto the conference room computers. If speakers use their own computers, they are asked to check during the breaks that they can successfully connect the computer to the
projector. USB sticks and VGA / HDMI adapters for mac can be rented at the registration desk (if available).

8. Chairs are kindly asked to remind the members of audience to take all coffee cups and serving plates back to the catering table when they leave the session room. The catering tables are located outside the session rooms.

Registration and information

You will find the conference registration and information desk on the ground floor of the new side of Main Building (Fabianinkatu 33). If you have registered online for CLMPS 2015, you should come and pick your conference material from the Main Building registration desk before attending any sessions.

The registration desk accepts ONLY CASH PAYMENTS. If you need to pay your registration fee or some other conference services by cash, please bring with you the exact sum.

The registration and information desk will be in your service

Monday :        9:00 – 18:45
Tuesday:        8:45 – 19:15
Wednesday:  8:45 – 19:00
Thursday:       8:45 – 19:15
Friday:            8:45 – 19:15
Saturday:       9:45 – 18:15

Contact information

On all practical matters, please contact the CLMPS 2015 Congress Secretary, Ms. Päivi Seppälä , congress secretary (trainee) Ms. Ilona Nevalainen, or Mr. Ilmari Hirvonen:

Chair the programme committee: Hannes Leitgeb,

Chair of the local organising committee: Ilkka Niiniluoto,

Short term child care services

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare offers short term child care services in Helsinki.

Social Media

The social media hashtag for the congress is #clmps2015.

Follow the account CLMPS 2015 on Twitter for the latest conference updates.

The facebook group "CLMPS 2015" is meant for the conference participants to organize their own unofficial collegial meetings before, during and after the conference days. The facebook group can also be used to present questions to the local organizing committee and to share conference photos and useful links.