Acta Philosophica Fennica is published by the Philosophical Society of Finland.
Since the inception of the series in 1935 it has been the forum for much of the best philosophical work in Finland. In 1968-1981 it was distributed by the North-Holland Publishing Company (Amsterdam).
Subscription information: Permanent subscriptions can be placed directly with Bookstore Tiedekirja, , tiedekirja(at), Snellmaninkatu 13, 00170 Helsinki, Finland; tel. +358-9-635 177.
Other orders can be also placed with Bookstore Tiedekirja (
Editor (2021-2025): Leila Haaparanta (University of Helsinki).
Editorial Board (2021-2025): Timo Airaksinen (University of Helsinki), Martin Gustafsson (Åbo Akademi), Sara Heinämaa (University of Jyväskylä) Antti Kauppinen (University of Helsinki), Olli Koistinen (Turun Yliopisto), Simo Knuuttila (University of Helsinki), Caterina Marchionni (University of Helsinki), Ilkka Niiniluoto (University of Helsinki), Filipe Pereira da Silva (University of Helsinki), Sami Pihlström (University of Helsinki), Kristina Rolin (Tampereen yliopisto), Gabriel Sandu (University of Helsinki)
Finnish Publication Forum (JUFO) classification = 1 (Basic level)
Acta Philosophica Fennica has received public funding from the Finnish Learned Societies.
Information for authors
The Acta series publishes shorter and longer monographs as well as collections of articles in all parts of philosophy. All subfields of philosophy and all philosophical traditions fall within its intended scope.
Authors should send their contributions to Leila Haaparanta, Acta Philosophica Fennica, Department of Philosophy P.O.Box 24 00014 University of Helsinki FINLAND. All submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed by two independent experts.
Publisher policy (open access)
Published version: 12 month embargo
Accepted version: no embargo (any repository, any website)
Digitization of Acta Philosophica Fennica
The old volumes of the Acta Philosophica Fennica series have been digitized on the Finnish National Library’s service. Permissions are asked from the writers and right holders of the articles and books within the series. This permission will allow for transfer of copyright under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-NC). This license will allow free, non-commercial use of the digitized material via the web service. See terms of use concerning the registry.
Contents (since 1935)
1935-1939- Fasc. I (1935), Uuno Saarnio, Untersuchungen zur symbolischen Logik. I. Kritik des Nominalismus und Grundlegung der logistischen Zeichentheorie (Symbolologie), 154 pp.
- Fasc. II (1936), Eino Kaila, Über das System der Wirklichkeitsbegriffe. Ein Beitrag zum logischen Empirimus, 101 pp.
- Fasc. III (1941), Georg Henrik von Wright, The Logical Problem of Induction, 258 pp.
- Fasc. IV (1941), Eino Kaila, Über den physikalischen Realitätsbegriff. Zweiter Beitrag zum logischen Empirismus, 191 pp.
- Fasc. V (1950), Eino Kaila, Zur Metatheorie der Quantenmechanik, 136 pp.
- Fasc. VI (1953), K. Jaakko J. Hintikka, Distributive Normal Forms in the Calculus of Predicates, 71 pp.
- Fasc. VII (1955), Rolf Westman, Plutarch gegen Kolotes. Seine Schrift “Adversus Colotem” als philosophiegeschichtliche Quelle, 332 pp.
- Fasc. VIII (1955), K. Jaakko J. Hintikka, Two Papers on Symbolic Logic, 115 pp.
- Fasc. IX (1955), Veli Valpola, Ein System der negationslosen Logik mit ausschliesslich realisierbaren Prädikaten, 247 pp.
- Fasc. X (1956), Eino Kaila, Terminalkausalität als die Grundlage eines unitarischen Naturbegriffs. Eine naturphilosophische Untersuchung. Erster Teil: Terminalkausalität in der Atomdynamik, 122 pp.
- Fasc. XI (1956), Jussi Tenkku, The Evaluation of Pleasure in Plato’s Ethics, 234 pp.
- Fasc. XII (1960), Raili Kauppi, Über die leibnizsche Logik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Problem der Intension und der Extension, 279 pp.
- Fasc. XIII (1962), Eino Kaila, Die perzeptuellen und konzeptuellen Komponenten der Alltagserfahrung, 90 pp.
- Fasc. XIV (1962), K. Jaakko J. Hintikka, On the Interpretation of De Interpretatione XII-XIII, and Julius M.E. Moravcsik, Being and Meaning in the “Sophist”, 78 pp.
- Fasc. XV (1963), Reijo Wilenius, The Social and Political Theory of Francisco Suárez, 129 pp.
- Fasc. XVI (1963), Proceedings of a Colloquium on Modal and Many-Valued Logics, Helsinki, 23-26 August, 1962, 290 pp.
- Fasc. XVII (1965), Andrzej Mostowski, Thirty Years of Foundational Studies. Lectures on the Development of Mathematical Logic and the Study of Foundations of Mathematics, 180 pp.
- Fasc. XVIII (1965), Studia logico-mathematica et philosophia. In honorem Rolf Nevanlinna die natali eius septuagesimo 22. X. 1965, 320 pp.
- Fasc. XIX (1966), Yrjö Reenpää, Über die Zeit, 83 pp.
- Fasc. XX (1967), Holger Thesleff, Studies in the Styles of Plato, 192 pp.
- Fasc. XXI (1968), Georg Henrik von Wright, An Essay in Deontic Logic and the General Theory of Action, 110 pp.
- Fasc. XXII (1968), Risto Hilpinen, Rules of Acceptance and Inductive Logic, 134 pp.
- Fasc. XXIII (1969), Lauri Routila, Die aristotelische Idee der ersten Philosophie, 186 pp.
- Fasc. XXIV (1970), Patrick Suppes, A Probabilistic Theory of Causality, 130 pp.
- Fasc. XXV (1971), Erik Stenius, Critical Essays, 262 pp.
- Fasc. XXVI (1972), Juhani Pietarinen, Lawlikeness, Analogy, and Inductive Logic, 143 pp.
- Fasc. XXVII (forthcoming), 125 Years of Finnish Philosophy: Bibliography of Philosophy in Finland 1873-1998.
- Fasc. XXVIII (1976), Nos. 1-3, Essays on Wittgenstein in Honour of G.H. von Wright, 516 pp.
- Fasc. XXVIII (1976), No. 4, Jaakko Hintikka, The Semantics of Questions and the Questions of Semantics, 200 pp.
- Fasc. XXIX (1977), No. 1, Jaakko Hintikka et al., Aristotle on Modality and Determinism, 124 pp.
- Fasc. XXIX (1977), Nos. 2-3, Veikko Rantala, Aspects of Definability, 236 pp.
- Fasc. XXIX (1977), No. 4, André Maury, The Concepts of Sinn and Gegenstand in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, 176 pp.
- Fasc. XXX (1978), No. 1, Wolfgang Lenzen, Recent Work in Epistemic Logic, 219 pp.
- Fasc. XXX (1979), Nos. 2-4, Ilkka Niiniluoto & Raimo Tuomela (eds.), The Logic and Epistemology of Scientific Change, 461 pp.
- Fasc. XXXI (1980), No. 1, G.H. von Wright, Freedom and Determination, 88 pp.
- Fasc. XXXI (1980), Nos. 2-3, George M. Wilson, The Intentionality of Human Action, 209 pp.
- Fasc. XXXI (1981), No. 4, Risto Pitkänen, On the Analysis of Pictorial Representation, 177 pp.
- Fasc. XXXII (1981), Ingmar Pörn (ed.), Essays in Philosophical Analysis, 264 pp.
- Fasc. XXXIII (1982), Lilli Alanen, Studies in Cartesian Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind, 173 pp.
- Fasc. XXXIV (1982), Timothy Stroup (ed.), Edward Westermarck: Essays on His Life and Work, 299 pp.
- Fasc. XXXV (1982), Ilkka Niiniluoto & Esa Saarinen (eds.), Intensional Logic: Theory and Applications, 301 pp.
- Fasc. XXXVI (1983), Aulis Aarnio, Philosophical Perspectives in Jurisprudence, 288 pp.
- Fasc. XXXVII (1984), Matti Sintonen, The Pragmatics of Scientific Explanation, 262 pp.
- Fasc. XXXVIII (1985), Ghita Holmström & Andrew J.I. Jones (eds.), Action, Logic and Social Theory, 354 pp.
- Fasc. XXXIX (1985), Leila Haaparanta, Frege’s Doctrine of Being, 182 pp.
- Fasc. XL (1986), Heikki Kannisto, Thoughts and Their Subject. A Study of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, 184 pp.
- Fasc. XLI (1986), Antti Hautamäki, Points of View and Their Logical Analysis, 156 pp.
- Fasc. XLII (1987), Carola Sandbacka, Understanding Other Cultures, 193 pp.
- Fasc. XLIII (1988), V. Rantala, L. Rowell & E. Tarasti (eds.), Essays on the Philosophy of Music, 369 pp.
- Fasc. XLIV (1989), Eerik Lagerspetz, A Conventionalist Theory of Institutions, 166 pp.
- Fasc. XLV (1989), Erik Stenius, Critical Essays vol. II, 392 pp.
- Fasc. XLVI (1989), Arto Haapala, What Is a Work of Literature? 237 pp.
- Fasc. XLVII (1990), Heidi Liehu, Søren Kierkegaard’s Theory of Stages and Its Relation to Hegel, 372 pp.
- Fasc. XLVIII (1990), M. Asztalos, J.E. Murdoch & I. Niiniluoto (eds.), Knowledge and the Sciences in Medieval Philosophy. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (S.I.E.P.M.) vol. I, 284 pp.
- Fasc. XLIX (1990), L. Haaparanta, M. Kusch & I. Niiniluoto, Language, Knowledge, and Intentionality – Perspectives on the Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka, 487 pp.
- Fasc. L (1991), Ghita Holmström.-Hintikka, Action, Purpose and Will – A Formal Theory, 188 pp.
- Fasc. LI (1991),J.P. Day, Hope – A Philosophical Inquiry, 101 pp.
- Fasc. LII (1992), Ilkka Niiniluoto, Matti Sintonen & G.H. von Wright (eds.), Eino Kaila and Logical Empiricism, 159 pp.
- Fasc. LIII (1993), Wojciech W. Gasparski, A Philosophy of Practicality – A Treatise of the Philosophy of Tadeusz Kotarbi_ski, 128 pp.
- Fasc. LIV (1993), Maija-Riitta Ollila, The Ethics of Rendezvous – Morality, Virtues and Love, 315 pp.
- Fasc. LV (1994), Mikko Yrjönsuuri, Obligationes – 14th Century Logic of Disputational Duties, 182 pp.
- Fasc. LVI (1994), Lars Hertzberg, The Limits of Experience, 293 pp.
- Fasc. LVII (1994), Tuomo Aho, On the Philosophy of Attitude Logic, 352 pp.
- Fasc. LVIII (1995), Leila Haaparanta & Sara Heinämaa (eds.), Mind and Cognition: Philosophical Perspectives on Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, 419 pp.
- Fasc. LIX (1996), Sami Pihlström, Structuring the World. The Issue of Realism and the Nature of Ontological Problems in Classical and Contemporary Pragmatism, 446 pp.
- Fasc. LX (1996), Georg Henrik von Wright, Six Essays in Philosophical Logic, 93 pp.
- Fasc. LXI (1996), Simo Knuuttila & Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.), Methods of Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. Proceedings of the Entretiens of Institute International de Philosophie. Helsinki, August 27-30, 1995, 164 pp.
- Fasc. LXII (1997), Sirkku Hellsten, In Defence of Moral Individualism, 194 pp.
- Fasc. LXIII (1998), Pavel Materna, Concepts and Objects, 177 pp.
- Fasc. LXIV (1999), Tuomo Aho & Mikko Yrjönsuuri (eds.), Norms and Modes of Thinking in Descartes, 296 pp.
- Fasc. LXIII (2000), Timo Airaksinen & Olli Loukola (eds.), New Ethics – New Society or the Dawn of Justice, 271 pp.
- Fasc. LXIV (2000), Juha Sihvola (ed.), Ancient Scepticism and the Sceptical Tradition, 285 pp.
- Fasc. LXVII (2001), Olli Koistinen, Action and Agent, 95pp.
- Fasc. LXVIII (2001) Kari Nevalainen (ed.), Justice, Charity, and the Welfare State: Moral and Social Dimensions
- Fasc. LXIX (2002) Lars Lundsten, Arto Siitonen, Bern Österman (ed.), Communication and intelligibility
- Fasc. LXX (2002) Mårten Ringbom: Man as a Moral Agent in Aristotle.
- Fasc. LXXI (2002) Arto Laitinen ja Nicholas H. Smith (ed.), Perspectives on the Philosophy of Charles Taylor, 198 pp.
- Fasc. LXXII (2003) Arto Haapala & Oiva Kuisma (ed.), Aesthetic Experience and the Ethical Dimension: Essays on Moral Problems in Aesthetic s, 164 pp.
- Fasc. LXXIII Georg Süssmann: Eine Grundlegung der Mengentheorie, 94 pp..
- Fasc. LXXIV (2004). Heikki J. Koskinen: From a Metaphilosophical Point of View. A Study of W. V. Quine’s Naturalism, 290 pp.
- Fasc. LXXV (2004). Juha Räikkä: Living in a Less than Perfect World. Essays in Political Philosophy, 206 pp.
- Fasc. LXXVI (2004). Jussi Kotkavirta ja Michael Quante (eds.): Moral Realism, 233 pp.
- Fasc. LXXVII (2005). Ilkka Niiniluoto ja Risto Vilkko (eds.): Philosophical Essays in Memoriam Georg Henrik von Wright, 167 pp.
- Fasc. LXXVIII (2006). Tuomo Aho ja Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (eds.): Truth and Games — Essays in Honour of Gabriel Sandu, 322 pp.
- Fasc. LXXIX (2006). Floora Ruokonen ja Laura Werner (eds.): Visions of Value and Truth — Understanding Philosophy and Literature, 205 pp.
- Fasc. LXXX (2006). Sami Phihlström (ed.): Wittgenstein and the Method of Philosophy, 233 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXI (2007): Matti Häyry: Cloning, Selection, and Values. Essays on Bioethical Intuitions. 197 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXII (2007): Juha Manninen and Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.): The Philosophical Twentieth Century in Finland. A Bibliographical Guide. 468 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXIII (2007): Juhana Lemetti and Eva Piirimäe (eds.): Human Nature as the Basis of Morality and Society in Early Modern Philosophy. 206 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXIV (2008): Tim De Mey and Markku Keinänen (eds.): Problems from Armstrong. 219 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXV (2008): Hanne Appelqvist: Wittgenstein and the Conditions of Musical Communication. 152 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXVI (2009): Sami Pihlström and Henrik Rydenfelt (eds.): Pragmatic Perspectives. 295 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXVII (2010): VIRPI MÄKINEN (ed.): The Nature of Rights: Moral and Political Aspects of Rights in Late Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. 257 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXVIII (2010): LEILA HAAPARANTA (ed.): Rearticulations of Reason. Recent Currents. 274 pp.
- Fasc. LXXXIX (2012): ILKKA NIINILUOTO AND SAMI PIHLSTRÖM (eds.): Reappraisals of Eino Kaila’s Philosophy. 232 pp.
- Fasc. XC (2013): JAAKKO HINTIKKA (ed.): Open Problems of Epistemology – Problèmes ouverts en épistémologie. 207 pp.
- Fasc. XCI (2015): GABRIEL SANDU: Logic, Language and Games. 139 pp.
- Fasc. XCII (2016): GEORG MEGGLE & RISTO VILKKO (eds.): Georg Henrik von Wright’s Book of Friends, 248 pp.
- Fasc. XCIII (2017): ILKKA NIINILUOTO & THOMAS WALLGREN (eds.): On the Human Condition. Philosophical Essays in Honour of the Centennial Anniversary of Georg Henrik von Wright, 463 pp. ISBN 978-951-9264-86-8
- Fasc. XCIV (2018): JAAKKO KUORIKOSKI & TEEMU TOPPINEN (eds.): Action, Value and Metaphysics. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Finland Colloquium 2018, 187 pp. ISBN 978-951-9264-89-9
- Fasc. XCV (2019): HENRIK RYDENFELT, HEIKKI J. KOSKINEN & MATS BERGMAN (eds.): Limits of Pragmatism and Challenges of Theodicy. Essays in Honour of Sami Pihlström, 227 pp. ISBN 978-951-9264-90-5
- Fasc. XCVI (2020): ILKKA NIINILUOTO & SAMI PIHLSTRÖM (eds.): Normativity – The 2019 Entretiens of Institut International de Philosophie. 228 pp.
- Fasc. XCVII (2021): INKERI KOSKINEN & TEEMU TOPPINEN (eds.): Reasons and Responsibilities – Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Finland Colloquium 2020. 228 pp.
- Fasc. XCVIII (2022): ILKKA NIINILUOTO: Beauty, truth, and justice. Philosophical essays on culture, science, and society. 381 pp.
- Fasc. XCIX (2023): EERO KAILA, HENRI PETTERSSON, JANI SINOKKI (eds.): Past. Future. Philosophy. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Finland colloquium 2022. 260 pp.
- Fasc. C (2023): PANU RAATIKAINEN (ed.): Essays in the philosophy of language. 440 pp.
- Fasc. CI (2024): EERO KAILA, ILKKA NIINILUOTO, SAMI PIHLSTRÖM (eds.): Perspectives on the history of philosophy in Finland. Proceedings of the 150th anniversary conference of the Philosophical Society of Finland. 446 pp.
All orders of Acta Philosophica Fennica can be placed with with Bookstore Tiedekirja, , tiedekirja(at), Snellmaninkatu 13, 00170 Helsinki, Finland; tel. +358-9-635 177.